Kamis, 22 Juli 2010

kenny guinn

Guinn's Millennium Scholarship Legacy Continuing

In an interview with KOLO 8 News Now, State Treasurer Kate Marshall says she spoke with Kenny Guinn just last week about the future of the Millennium Scholarship program, asking for his guidance as she worked to ensure it would continue.
Wednesday The Legislature's Interim Finance Committee shuffled $4.2 million from other college savings accounts to fund Nevada's Millennium Scholarship through the 2011 fiscal year.
Marshall says Wednesday's approval by the
IFC will keep the decade-old scholarship program viable, at least
until state lawmakers can consider a permanent funding source when
they convene in February.
About 21,000 students get the scholarships under the
$26-million-a-year program.
Changes in the destination of unclaimed property funds, which
had been used to help fund the scholarships, and a decline in funds
from the tobacco industry settlement have hurt the scholarship

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